108 years young WWI hero asks to honor his comrades, will the politicians ignore him? God Almighty, let's hope and pray they can come to their senses.WASHINGTON — America's last surviving World War I veteran came to Congress on Thursday to ask lawmakers to create a memorial to honor his fellows combatants from "The Great War."
"What am I supposed to say? Oh yes -- the memorial, it's an excellent idea!" exclaimed 108-year old Frank Buckles, as camera bulbs flashed to capture the moment.
The wheelchair-bound centenarian, who lives in nearby West Virginia, pleaded his case to lawmakers that the federal city -- with monuments to honor veterans and fallen soldiers who fought in World War II, Vietnam and other conflicts -- needs a symbol to honor veterans of World War I.
Some 100,000 Americans lost their lives in the 1914-1918 First World War, one of the deadliest in history.
According to his daughter that her father "is in good shape." How wonderful! And also these from the news report:
Hey Mmm mmm mm Barack Hussein Obama, what have you done for the country lately?Buckles fought in the war beginning at the age of 16, and later was also a combatant in World War II, when he was captured by the Japanese troops and spent three years in a prison camp.
The US government has awarded him the World War I Victory Medal and the Army of Occupation of Germany Medal, while France bestowed upon him the French legion of honor medal.
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