Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who's on first?

Here's a crude attempt of imitating the "who's on first" skit of the great Abbott and Costello:

A: Mmm mmm mm

Barack Hussein Obama.

Mmm mmm mm

Obama is taking order from Hu in Communist China.

Mmm mmm mm

Hu told Obama he should not see Dalai Lama.

Mmm mmm mm

So Obama says yessir and announce that he will not see Dalai Lama.

B: Hey, wait a minute. Obama is taking order from who in Communist China?

A: Yea, you got it right!

B: I got what right?

A: Obama is taking order from Hu in Communist China.

B: That’s what I’m asking you: Obama is taking order from who in Communist China?

A: The answer is Obama is taking order from Hu in Communist China.

B: Cool it, let's start over again, what's going on?

A: Like I said, Hu did not want Obama to see Dalai Lama in Washington, so Obama obey Hu's order not to see Dalai Lama this time.

B: Who did not want Obama to see Dalai Lama in Washingtom?

A: Hu.

B: Who?

A: Hu!

B: What’s the matter with you? That’s my question. Why do you asking me for?

. . .

Here's a good 2006 imitation:

Here's even a Shakespearian imitation:

And of course here's the original great:

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