Saturday, September 26, 2009

This game 30 years ago

Something other than boooring politics today. Autumn Saturdays are, of course, college football days. My daughter Tina sent me this email today:
One of my friends on Facebook (who I went to Jr. High and High School with) is the sports writer for Michigan Public Radio. He posted that 30 years ago today, Bob Ufer delivered the best Michigan play ever heard. I remember it because I was there. Michigan was playing Indiana. The game was tied, and Michigan's final drive wasn't looking too promising. Then in the last 7 seconds of the game, John Wangler threw a great pass to Anthony Carter who then ran into the end zone for a touchdown. I was working the concession stand at the stadium that day, so I didn't get to see that play until the replays on TV later. However, I remember the tremendous ROAR of the crowd. It was something to remember, to be sure! Anyhow, I found this home movie on YouTube that has Bob Ufer's broadcast through the entire Michigan drive. Pretty amazing stuff. I thought you'd appreciate it! Enjoy!

I almost not remembering that day. But I was home watching the game on TV while listening to Bob Ufer on the radio. Ah! That good old memorable day, that winning Anthony Carter touchdown, and Ufer's play by play -- that familiar memorable voice only true blue Michigan fans can love. If I remember correctly Tina got Ufer's autograph that day also.

Well, 30 years, Bob Ufer had been long gone. Coach Bo Schembechler is no longer with us either. After Michigan's disappointing 3-9 season lase year, I did not even bothered to watch or listen to the game today. But Michigan did managed to comeback twice from behind in the second half to beat Indiana again. The young freshman quarterback was playing with an injured shoulder when he thrown the winning touchdown. None of the kids on the field today were born when Anthony Carter score the last minute winning touchdown 30 years ago. But they proudly carrying on the Victors glory. Michigan is 4-0 right now. Go Blue!

For some further nostalgia, here's another perspective of that game 30 years ago:

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